Thursday, September 2, 2010

SSS Assignment #1

Please expound on these four questions:
1. Why did you decide to come to college? (After all, it's not exactly free...)
2. Why did you decide specifically to come to Converse? (Again with the "not free"...)
3. Why did you decide to study music in college at Converse? (I'm sensing a theme here...)
4. If you had to give up either cereal or sandwiches for the rest of your life, which would it be?


1. I came to college because I like to learn and if I want to be a music teacher, which I do, I need a college degree! Also I’d like get paid a decent amount of money when I become a teacher. I like money, but I think most people do too.  :)

2. When I came to Converse as a prospective, it felt like home and somewhere I could imagine myself spending time and studying. I met some really cool people and lots of people who shared the same interests and ideals as I do. Everyone was nice and extremely friendly which was completely un expected. That basically made my decision for me.

3. I love music. It makes me happy and speaks to my soul. That's all.  :)

4. I would have to say the I'd rather give up sandwiches for the rest of my life and not cereal. I like cereal too much. Cereal is an every or any meal kind of food. You can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner and because there are so many different kinds of cereal I might never get bored! My favorite kind of cereal is Cocoa Pebble, the generic Wal-Mart brand!!  ;)