Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You will never be....

I had an epiphany today. Sometimes parents yell at their kids. Most of the time it's because they did something wrong and need to be admonished, but sometimes it's because they are afraid. There are those parents that are super smart, intelligent, and have lots of crazy experiences. Whenever they yell at their kids it's because they are afraid that their kids are going to be or are already better, smarter, and more intelligent then they are. Sometimes we kids or teenagers act all tough and mighty and like we are better than everyone else. That's usually a mistake, BUT, sometimes we are better. Some parents yell at their with sayings of you shouldn't have done that, why did you say that to them, and you're grounded. Here is what other parents say to their kids when they yell at them, "You will NEVER be smarter, better, more intelligent or even have more friends then I do." Well obviously, this is plain fear. Why else in the world would you tell your kid that??

So here is my thesis, parents yell at their kids either to protect them, or because they are afraid that they are going to go to more awesome heights then they did. Crazy right? Well what do YOU think??