Thursday, September 16, 2010

Time Management!!! Tick Tock!!!

Topic: Blog about your biggest time management challenge-is it oversleeping, spending too much time on social media such as Facebook, juggling work and family responsibilities, or something else?

My BIGGEST Time Management problem is that I like to par-take in lots of activities such as orchestra, Key Club, Dance, Fencing, etc. I like to be a part of the community but always seem to undertake to much and then not know how to organize it. Sometimes I make spread sheets to help organize my life, like my classes and my club activities, but then I will spontaneously decide to do something else such as go to the movies or hang out with friends. 

Another one of my big problems is FACEBOOK!!!!   I think I'm addicted...and that can sometimes cause problems.  :D    For example as I'm typing this blog I'm on Facebook trying to figure out who my Big sister is, talking to my cousin, and I'm being distracted by the frogs I just bought. (They're so cute!!)

Then I end up having a huge pile of homework and no time to get it done. Sometimes I even fall asleep doing homework because I'm too exhausted from all of the other activities. One would think that by now I would have this down to an art, but I don't. Even though it's gotten a lot better I still overwhelm myself in activities and fall asleep doing homework.  HELP ME!!!!!