Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Symphony and Everything in Between

The Prelude.
My senior year of high school I was very laid back and never really did anything except volunteer and go to school. It was very boring. I went to school in my pajamas almost everyday and didn't even care. That's right, I didn't care. There was no need to dress up because I slept in half of my classes and changed for dance class.

Movement I: Summer.
Over the summer I started to do more and more things. I started going out with friends more often and stayed out later, but of course with my mom's permission.  :)

Movement II: Move-In Day.
On move-in day I was a little shy, but I think everyone was. It was very chaotic because I didn't know what was going on or who I was suppose to see for this or that. I was afraid that my roommate and I would hate each other and drive one another crazy.

Movement III: New Friends.
My roommate and I get along great and plan on rooming together for the next 4 years. During my first few weeks I was afraid that I wouldn't make any friends, but I've made plenty of crazy people just like me. A few to name, Emily McKibben (my roommate), Mary Fran, Madeline, and Caitlin.

Movement IV: The Journey.
Being at Converse has changed me a lot even though I've only been here for a few months. I've gone out and explored the world as an adult. I've stayed up until all hours of the night doing homework and projects. I've made midnight Krispy Kreme and Wal-Mart runs and a few other unmentionable things. I've done things that I would never do at home and it has all been, so far, a wonderful experience.

The Finale.
For the next 4 years of my life at Converse I plan to study Music Education and eventually become a high school orchestra director. I hope to explore the world a little more and learn lots of new things and have even more wonderful experiences. I hope to make more friends and impact students lives one day like many of my teachers have impacted me.