Sunday, August 14, 2011

Money can't buy you happiness.

The way we display a dollar sign is the cheesiest thing in the world. We put it in cartoons, on hats, on shirts, on everything. But money can't make us completely happy all of the time. I just watched the new movie Arthur with Russell Brand, and it was so cute. He had 960 million dollars and he threw it all away for the girl he loved.  

His mother never paid any attention to him and his father died when he was three. His nanny for 30 years, played by Helen Mirren, dies in the movie and he finally realizes that he doesn't need the money to be happy because the women who cared for him his whole life and acted as his mother wasn't there to baby sit him anymore. 

You should watch the movie. Jennifer Gardner plays his psycho fiance who's just after his family money. 

Here is the link to the website so you can watch the trailer and see for yourself if you haven't already.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Starting college is a new chapter in your life and a whole new adventure. It's like following the yellow brick road. You don't know where you will end up, but the adventure will take you somewhere you never expected.

College is easy and hard all at once, but when you're starting off as a freshman it's more hard than easy. You never know what to expect from teachers and peers. You learn a lot about your self that you didn't know or never wanted to admit. For example, you may learn that you study better at night or that you really don't like to party. You may realize that you are anti-social or are a really smart student when you put effort into your work. Even though nobody can really prepare you for college, it's always nice to take some advice from older students. 

Here are some tips that might be helpful to you., but you don't have to listen to me.  :)

1. Don't pack your whole really don't need everything.

2. Try the school cafeteria several times before you make judgements about it.

3. Get to know your might actually like them.

4. Don't go crazy doing everything that you normally can't do at home, like eat junk food and party.

5.Try not to procrastinate or you'll end up with 3 or more big assignments due the same day.

6. Take breaks so you don't go  insane, but not so many that you never do any school work.

7. Skipping class once in a while is okay, but you should really only do it when your sick.

8. If you don't understand something, TALK YO YOUR TEACHER!!

9. Studying in groups is actually helpful...when your not getting distracted by gossip or the T.V.

10. Exercise every once in a while.

11. Always let someone know when your leaving campus by yourself and tell them where your going.

12. Explore the community around campus, there might be some pretty cool things to do.

That's all folks!  :)  Have fun and be safe.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Work Hard or Party Hard??

College isn't what the movies portray it to be. It's not all fun and games or smoking and drinking....unless you're intent when you apply to college is to do all that. Most of the time it's actually hard work. We get 3 page papers and 6 page papers to write. You can't cram study for everything the night before a big test or exam. Not all colleges have drunken orgies every Friday night either. Most big college or university professors don't even take attendance and aren't going to help you when you are struggling with their class. One usually has to study hard and get help from fellow classmates or upperclassmen. 

And let's not forget that college is almost the same as high school...there will always be drama. ALWAYS. Whether it be between roommates or friends. Sometimes you get the occasional random people who don't even know each other drama, but that's rare. I know we all hope that it will be different, but it really isn't that different. The only difference is that most people are living away from home and have a lot more freedom.

So basically, college isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's hard work and not all play, unless of course you're only going to college to party, than that's a different story all together.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


So my dear readers, whoever you are, I haven't posted a blog in over a month. Well I need your help. What should I write about? I have no clue. Nothing really interesting has happened lately except for some stupid college drama, but I' m not going to write about that. I need your ideas, after all you are the reader. So HELP ME!! Leave your suggestions in a comment below.  Thank you!  :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl XLV :)

 This was was a VERY CLOSE game. The Pittsburgh Steelers vs. The Green Bay Packers. I watched the entire game including the half time show. I must say that I am a Packers fan and was really hoping the they would win because the Steelers have won to many times in the past few years. It was time for a new champion.

The end games score was 31-28. SO VERY CLOSE. 
If the Steelers had kept possession of the ball, I have not doubt that they might have scored, but since Green Bay reclaimed possession in the last 45 seconds the referees decided that the Steelers weren't going to get possession again in time to make another touchdown.

The half time show. It was awesome and sucked all at the same time. The lighting and dance coordination and Ushers song were the best parts. The Black Eyed Peas sucked. The only note that Fergie actually hit correctly was the last one. They should have turned her microphone off after the first minute when she couldn't get it together. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Black Eyed  :)  Sorry guys.

Another HUGE mistake was the national anthem. Christina Aguilera messed it up. I know she knows how to sing, but even if you've sung the song before, YOU STILL NEED TO PRACTICE! How on earth could you not. As a musician I know that and so should she. Even if you've practiced a piece a hundred times and know everything there is to know about, if you haven't performed it in a while and are about to perform, PRACTICE before you go on stage and make a fool of yourself.

On the other hand Lea Michele from the GLEE cast did a wonderful job on the Star Spangled Banner. In my opinion, she should have sung the national anthem. Sorry CHristina and Fergie, but GO PRACTICE or lip sync next time.

Congratulations Green Bay Packers for winning Super Bowl XLV.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Think Before You Throw

This is an example of something called Book Art.
Some people like to throw books away if they're out-dated and will be of no use to read. Well, I've recently learned of some cools ways to recycle books in art. One way to do this is to paint it, glue it together and make it into more or less an art journal. It's really very awesome. You can add pictures, ribbon, buttons and really anything that depicts who you are.

Another way to recycle these out-dated books is to make tables out of them. You glue a bunch of them together to make side tables, coffee tables and probably even desks. It's a way of showing of art while recycling these perfectly good books.

                             Any other cool ideas for recycling books for art?

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Shortest of them All

Hello everyone!! I'm sorry I haven't written anything in a while. I've been pretty un-busy with school. Let me tell you about it.

During the month of January, my school has this little thing we call Jan Term. It's when the school gives the students a chance to take one or two classes during the month of January. Instead of having class every other day for about and hour and a half, we have class everyday for about two to two and a half hours. It's basically like fitting 4 months of class time into one month, because of this it is the shortest class we take and can either be boring or quite hectic. 

The boring side. When we're not in a 2 hour class or doing homework we have the rest of the day to do nothing. That's about 10 hours of free time. What are we suppose to do? Well luckily, our school offers these things called Blah Busters. It's when the school sets up social events such as skating parties, bowling parties, movie nights and even pottery painting. Unfortunately, it still leaves a lot of random slots of time for that we can fill with...NAPS!

The hectic part. Sometimes we have classes like biology, math, or english which can make our Jan term a nightmare. All we have to do is homework, projects, dissections, etc. When this happens we can't do any of the Blah Busters or take naps. All we have to do is work, so in order for us to have free time we have to make schedules and abide by them.

So, how are you going to handle all of the free time or hectic parts of your day?