Thursday, September 16, 2010

Time Management!!! Tick Tock!!!

Topic: Blog about your biggest time management challenge-is it oversleeping, spending too much time on social media such as Facebook, juggling work and family responsibilities, or something else?

My BIGGEST Time Management problem is that I like to par-take in lots of activities such as orchestra, Key Club, Dance, Fencing, etc. I like to be a part of the community but always seem to undertake to much and then not know how to organize it. Sometimes I make spread sheets to help organize my life, like my classes and my club activities, but then I will spontaneously decide to do something else such as go to the movies or hang out with friends. 

Another one of my big problems is FACEBOOK!!!!   I think I'm addicted...and that can sometimes cause problems.  :D    For example as I'm typing this blog I'm on Facebook trying to figure out who my Big sister is, talking to my cousin, and I'm being distracted by the frogs I just bought. (They're so cute!!)

Then I end up having a huge pile of homework and no time to get it done. Sometimes I even fall asleep doing homework because I'm too exhausted from all of the other activities. One would think that by now I would have this down to an art, but I don't. Even though it's gotten a lot better I still overwhelm myself in activities and fall asleep doing homework.  HELP ME!!!!!   


  1. Well, that's what we're here for-- to HELP YOU!

    Two ideas:
    1. I really do understand that it's hard to turn down activities when you find them all so interesting. But remember--just because you want to do something doesn't mean you have to do it RIGHT NOW. Hopefully you'll live out a long life---perhaps you can join a fencing group when you're in your 30s, or take up knitting while on vacation. For instance, I'd really hoped to take an Arabic class with Mirko this semester, but the timing jut didn't work out right. There's always next time around, though.

    2. Facebook. Yes, it's a blast, and it's a great tool as well. But save it as a treat for after you've done your necessary work. Finish the first page of theory homework, and then reward yourself with, say, five minutes of Facebook. Too, Facebook heats up more later in the day, so try doing your homework during those open hours between classes.

    In fact, why don't you go do your theory homework right now? :-)

    Oh, and remember to PROOFREAD! It's partake, not par-take, and watch your to/too usage. You want to make sure your blog looks as intelligent as YOU are.

  2. I am definitely with you on the different activities! They are absolutely intriguing and you want to do them all! The spreadsheet is a neccessity! I do the same exact thing and it keeps my life in order! Facebook is my biggest problem and I agree with Dr. Vaneman! Rewarding yourself works! I've been trying it for the past week or so and it definitely works!

  3. I understand it all!! I want to do everything too. It really sucks that freshmen can't join in the operas :( As for falling asleep doing homework, there is a limit to how much you can do in a day. But if you must do it that night and at that hour, set an alarm for every few minutes or so. If it happens more than three times, GO TO BED!
