Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's the most.....stressful time of the year.

EXAMS!! They are a college students worst nightmare. You get 5 essay's to write and then you have to study for hour and hours and hours for these crazy exams.  :(   But when studying, one must never forget to take breaks or your head might just explode. Nobody wants or likes brain stuck in the carpet. Some wonderful ideas for taking a study break is to go to the movies with your friends. Always take advantage of the $2.50 nearby. Go to the mall, run around campus to relieve the stress, or even just take a nap. It's the simple things in life that make it worth living. There's no need to go crazy stressing over exams. I know they are hard and can sometimes seriously effect your grade, BUT if you study to much and don't take a break...your head WILL explode. The only people who like brains in the carpet are zombies.  :) So take a break and enjoy life for a little while so we don't have to check you into the mental institute for over studying.

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