Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You will never be....

I had an epiphany today. Sometimes parents yell at their kids. Most of the time it's because they did something wrong and need to be admonished, but sometimes it's because they are afraid. There are those parents that are super smart, intelligent, and have lots of crazy experiences. Whenever they yell at their kids it's because they are afraid that their kids are going to be or are already better, smarter, and more intelligent then they are. Sometimes we kids or teenagers act all tough and mighty and like we are better than everyone else. That's usually a mistake, BUT, sometimes we are better. Some parents yell at their with sayings of you shouldn't have done that, why did you say that to them, and you're grounded. Here is what other parents say to their kids when they yell at them, "You will NEVER be smarter, better, more intelligent or even have more friends then I do." Well obviously, this is plain fear. Why else in the world would you tell your kid that??

So here is my thesis, parents yell at their kids either to protect them, or because they are afraid that they are going to go to more awesome heights then they did. Crazy right? Well what do YOU think??

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Roommates say what?!?

                               (Emily McKibben, left, Me, right)

So my roommate, Emily McKibben, and I met on move-in day. We were kind of quiet and shy. We didn't really know what to say because we didn't know anything about each other yet. We quickly started going places with each other hanging out outside of our room. Now we are pretty much inseparable, well except for school breaks.

We now do almost everything together. Go to the movies, make midnight Brusters and Krispy Kreme runs. We go to parties and clubs. I stalk her at work to keep her sane because of this guy John who likes to visit her every Thursday. I almost always wait for her to get off of work before I go to dinner so she doesn't eat dinner by herself. Yes, I am that awesome of a roommate.

Thankfully, we were paired together perfectly because unlike a lot of people on our campus, we get along. We listen to the same music, watch the same t.v shows, and are even OCD about how neat and tidy our room is. I just want to say that she is a freaking awesome roommate and I love her. We will probably be rooming together for the rest of our college days.

The One Who Shares My Brain.

(Mary Fran, left Me, right)

This is me and my friend Mary Fran. We met our first month of college and clicked right away. Now we do everything together. Eat, class, crazy spontaneous movie nights. EVERYTHING. We even finish each others sentences sometimes. It's freaking amazing, especially when we've only known each other for 4 months. I wonder what we will be like in 4 years when we graduate from college together?!? I really hope that we stay crazy close and always finish each others sentences. 

We both listen to the same kind of music, anything but pure country, we LOVE 80's movies and wish that John Hughes had directed and produced our life. This is what we want, "John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason." That's our life right there, but I think that a lot of people want that and unfortunately only a few people got it. 

Mary Fran can make ice cream fly, and I can devour a dozen doughnuts in about 3 minutes. We make midnight Krispy Kreme runs all the time and go to Wal-Mart at 1am for ice she can make it fly! Thankfully there is a 24 Krispy Kreme and Wal-Mart 10 minutes down the road from our campus, otherwise I don't know what we would do with ourselves. There is also a Brusters 5 minutes down the road and they have some amazing ice cream, but they are only open until 11pm otherwise Mary Fran would be impressing the other customers with wonderful talents. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Damn it MacGamut, We hate you!

MacGamut is a horrendous computer program made for musicians. It contains intervals, rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic dictation, scales, and chords. You have to be able to listen to these and tell the difference between intervals. On a computer program, this is HARD! Mostly because it is hard to portray the actual sound of an instrument or voice on the computer, but also because it's just hard. You have to identify triads and the different types of scales, Major, minor (melodic, harmonic, and natural). You get to do rhythmic dictation, which is when the program plays a specific rhythm and you the student are suppose to write it down on the lines provided. It's all very technical and time consuming. 

That's when it boils down to the teacher. You see some teachers want you to get past a certain number of levels for each specified category. There are 20 levels in each category total. Then you have the teachers that just want you to try your hardest and log time. Those are the most wonderful teachers EVER. When you get those teachers you can just watch Television all day and click stuff. As long as the mouse is moving and you are active, you log time. It may not benefit you to do this, however, when you're a college student you get to a point when you just don't care anymore. As I type this beautiful blog, I am doing exactly that, clicking away just to log time.

So for those of you who have to just log time, sit down and watch a movie or listen to music while you click at your mouse. Ready, set, GO!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's the most.....stressful time of the year.

EXAMS!! They are a college students worst nightmare. You get 5 essay's to write and then you have to study for hour and hours and hours for these crazy exams.  :(   But when studying, one must never forget to take breaks or your head might just explode. Nobody wants or likes brain stuck in the carpet. Some wonderful ideas for taking a study break is to go to the movies with your friends. Always take advantage of the $2.50 nearby. Go to the mall, run around campus to relieve the stress, or even just take a nap. It's the simple things in life that make it worth living. There's no need to go crazy stressing over exams. I know they are hard and can sometimes seriously effect your grade, BUT if you study to much and don't take a break...your head WILL explode. The only people who like brains in the carpet are zombies.  :) So take a break and enjoy life for a little while so we don't have to check you into the mental institute for over studying.